To Fiction or not to Fiction (Why didn’t I think of that?)

Recently I innocently put in an Indeed application for a Novel Writer position. Me and about 3500 other people. Literally. No matter, I figured, because everything is always up to chance anyway. Well, as fate would have it, 2 days ago I got an email asking for a writing sample from the hiring manager of the publishing company. It was to be a mafia romance writing sample. Fiction is something I have always wanted to write and have always attempted to write, but I would always just dip my toe in the pool and shy away. In my personal opinion, to write truly good fiction, you must have a theatrical flare about your writing. Or, for lack of better terms-some heavy ass imagery. My lack of self confidence made me so timid that fiction was something I put on the back burner. Well folks-maybe it’s because I’m getting older and life’s too short. Maybe it’s because I’m feeling confidant for the first time in my life. Or maybe it’s just because I started writing and the story took me into it’s arms and swept me away. FICTION IS SO DAMN FUN! Granted, I only sent the publisher a sample of the first chapter, but I’m definitely going to continue this story. So either way the side of the coin lands here; be it in my favor or not with this particular publishing company, I believe it’s a win for this writer who just got to discover the glory that is fiction story telling!

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